Monday, August 10, 2009

Query XML Data in Sql 2005

1. Sql Server 2005 includes subset of the XQuery language

2. Xquery is a language for query data stored using Xml Data Type

3. DDL operation on xml column

Syntax to retrieve a date from a column of xml data type<
Select columnname .query (‘/nodename’) from TableName
Select columname .query (‘/nodename/childnodename’) from TableName
Note: other clause of select such as ’ where’ clause can be use in above
statements and column should be xml type nodename refer to element name
4. DML operation on Xml


Syntax : Insert into tablename (columname,Xmlcolumname) values (1
Note :xmlcolumn name can be second or third column according to table definition and valid xml data should be inserted in xml column


I)as first II) as last III)into Iv)after V)before VI)Delete VII)Replace value of

As Last & As First

Syntax:Update table name set columnname.modify(‘insert microsoft
as last into (/book[1]) ’)
Note: as last and as first same syntax .column should be xml type

After & before

Syntax:Update table name set columname.modify(‘insert james
after into (book /pubs[1]) ’)
Note: after and before same syntax .column should be xml type


Syntax:Update table name set columname.modify(‘ delete /book/pubs/auother ’)
Note:Enter element name with path colum should be xml type

Replace value of particular element

Syntax:Update table name set columname.modify(‘ replace value of
(book /pubs/text())[1] with ‘‘sql’’ ’)
Note:Enter element name with path colum & text() colum should be xml type

Refered links

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